Monday, November 25, 2013


That's the score! Andy vs. Garrett, with Andy keeping the lead. Garrett May have made up some ground in a fairly short span of time, but Andy was ahead by 2 at best, and is now by 3. What are they competing in? Teeth, of course! :) Andy got his upper right lateral incisor (our right, that is). I'm a little surprised because I thought that once a baby got their top and bottom central incisors, next came the bottom lateral incisors. I guess it's possible! I don't honestly remember the other kids' teeth order. At least when I asked some other moms recently about baby books for their younger children, they didn't eve have them, so I felt pretty special that I was trying to keep them for the twins. It's partially for my own organization, but also because I know if anything is going to be a blur, it's this first year with the twins. 

Speaking of which, is almost over! They are 11+ months now, an. Their birthday will be here before. I know it. Now to start planning a birthday party...ideas welcome! :) I can't believe the time has gone so quickly! I don't think I'm quite ready to start reflecting on the last year yet, but I'm starting to think about it. 

Traveling for the holidays this year is sure to be an adventure in awkwardness and asylum. I'm not sure how we are going to get all the essentials for the 7 of us to fit in the truck ofour minivan, and we will be gone only 2 nights!  Tips and tricks from the pros highly sought after! 

What are your favorite car activities and strategies for your little ones? What about the middle-schooler vs. pre-schoolers? How about healthy snack options to balance out the "junk" food?

Happy Thanksgiving!

And Happy 37th birthday to Brooks, my partner and pal! Love you! 

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