Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas and Twin birthdays 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sorry for the long hiatus. It's hard to get much done when you're working full time and have 5 kids running around. And now that Garr-y Houdini can escape his crib despite many efforts, we are spending more time in the nursery making sure they go to sleep. Thankfully, new toys (and old ones returned!) and beds have brought excitement and a little less arguing. Yay! Here are some highlights from Decemeber and our Christmas Break.
Dancing in the kitchen in costume. I love it!

Birthday roses for me from Brooks. He did really well this year!!!

This one was on Facebook, too, but I thought I'd put it here as well. How time has hastened and they have sprouted!

We took the twins to 2 Toots for free birthday dinners. Aunt Gail and cousin Lauren came, too! There was a face painter there. Elliott is a ninja turtle and Jillian is a butterfly. 

Garrett and his birthday cupcake!

Andy loved it!

Opening presents was fun!

Aunt Gail made us each a construction Birhday cake. Fun to play with, then eat! Jillian lights candles for Garrett, and Aunt Gail sits with Andy and his cake. 

Erin received a lot of puzzles this year, which she enjoys. And her new fleece. 

Andy was interests in opening gifts, but Garrett preferred to play with his, and was not as interested in opening more. Andy (and Garrett) got some trains from their siblings!

Our early risers and not-so-early risers all waited so patiently for gift opening time. 

It was nice to have a full house of family again to celebrate the birth of Jesus. So thankful for all who brought food to share for dinner!

After Jillian and Elliott went to visit grandparents in OH, we took the littles to ride the train at the mall. Andy and Erin loved it, Garrett cried and clung to me, refusing to go. 

I have more pictures, but they are on my regular camera. I hope to share more pics later. For now, this one is for Grandma Locke, who gave the boys sweaters for their birthday but we didn't get the boys in them on Christmas. 

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